
Wendy McGrath

Wendy McGrath is a Metis writer/artist born in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and is based in Amiskwacîwâskahikan (Edmonton) on Treaty 6 Territory. Her writing and artistic practice embraces multiple genres. Broke City, the final book in her Santa Rosa Trilogy (which also includes North East and Santa Rosa), is a prairie gothic novel that chronicles the struggles of a working-class family and is told through the eyes of child-narrator, Christine. McGrath’s most recent poetry project, Paso doble, is a poetry/photography collaboration with Danny Miles (drummer for July Talk and Tongue Helmet). Her most recent spoken word project, BEFORE WE KNEW is her second album project with producer/musician Sascha Liebrand. (Her first project with Liebrand, BOX, is an adaptation of her eponymous long poem. “MOVEMENT 1” from the album was nominated for a 2018 City of Edmonton Music Award in the Jazz Recording of the Year category.) McGrath is a printmaker who also creates artist’s books.   


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