Fantasmagoriana 2

Announcing the participants of this years Fantasmagoriana 2!

Last year, we created Fantasmagoriana, our nod to the 200th anniversary of Frankenstein, and it was so much fun, we knew we had to create Fantasmagoriana 2! On September 13—Friday-the-13th, no less—writers David Demchuk (Toronto), J.H. Moncrieff, Jessica Landry, and Adam Petrash will allow themselves to be barricaded in the haunted Dalnavert House for an overnight writing blitz. On Halloween night, they will share their creepy stories in our second collectible chapbook.

Kick-off reading: Friday, September 13, 7:30pm, Dalnavert Museum

Launch of Fantasmagoriana 2: Thursday, October 31, 7:30pm, Dalnavert Museum

Mark your calendars—you won’t wanna miss this!
The Fantasmagoriana project is in the capable hands of Keith Cadieux, former Admin Coordinator of the WIWF, editor extraordinaire, and writer of superb creepy fiction.