Congratulations to Jake MacDonald, winner of On The Same Page 2010/2011!

The votes have been tallied . . . Juliana and the Medicine Fish, by Jake MacDonald, is the On the Same Page selection for 2010-2011 for Winnipeg!

For more information check out: 

About Jake MacDonald:

Jake MacDonald is an award-winning author of eight books, a short story writer and a journalist. His memoir, Houseboat Chronicles, won three awards, including the Writers’ Trust Non-Fiction Prize. His feature articles have been published in Saturday Night, The Walrus,The Globe and Mail, Maclean’s and Canadian Geographic, among others. Jake MacDonald is regarded as an expert on Manitoba/Ontario lake country and divides his time between Winnipeg and Toronto and a rustic retreat in Minaki, Ontario. His most recent books include Grizzlyville: Adventures in Bear Country and Human Nature: the Fort Whyte story.

Jake has been a frequent guest of THIN AIR, most recently in 2009 for Grizzlyville: Adventures in Bear Country and before that in 1997!
