An amuse bouche of 2010 Upcoming THIN AIR Authors . . .

THIN AIR proudly announces that DAVID ARNASON, SANDRA BIRDSELL, MICHAEL LISTA, SINA QUEYRAS, A.J. SOMERSET, COLLEEN SYDOR, JOAN THOMAS, MICHAEL WEX, EVA WISEMAN and RICHARD B. WRIGHT will be attending the 2010 THIN AIR Winnipeg International Writers Festival which runs from September 19-26.


These authors come from all across the country and represent some of the best and brightest in Canada’s vibrant literary world. Dealing with subjects as varied as the Icelandic experience, post-traumatic stress disorder, the economic collapse and being Jewish, the festival is bringing books and authors designed to appeal to readers of all persuasions.


This year some of the featured books include Baldur’s Song, Waiting For Joe, Bloom, Expressway, Combat Camera, The McGillicuddy Book of Personal Records, Curiosity, The Frumkiss Family Business, Puppet, and Mr. Shakespeare’s Bastard.


Other authors, and their books, will be announced in the near future.
