Welcome to Guy Maddin!

The Winnipeg International Writers Festival is pleased to announce that Guy Maddin will be attending this September’s THIN AIR Writers Festival! 

Guy is an award winning film maker with an international reputation. My Winnipeg, his second book, is a companion to the fascinating film of the same name. He has also recently received the Province of Manitoba’s highest honour when he was named to the Order of Manitoba. The Order is given to Manitobans whose achievements have benefited the social, cultural or economic wellbeing of the province.

Here are links to two reviews of Guy’s novel/journal/poem (it is truly unique) My Winnipeg. First is the review from the May 20, 2009 Globe and Mail at http://www.theglobeandmail.com/books/my-winnipeg-by-guy-maddin/article1140300/

Second is the review from the Winnipeg Free Press from May 24 2009 at http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/entertainment/books/true-or-false-with-guy-maddin-facts-dont-get-in-way-45953277.html
