Do not enter my soul in your shoes is a collection of great tenderness. It is especially a cry from the heart. As if the tenderness and poetry were dumbfounded before the eruption of a volcano. Natasha Kanapé Fontaine reveals herself as a poet and Innu woman. She loves. She cries. She shouts … to come into the world again.
“A beautiful collection of poems that has the reader enter the Borean “countryside” and walk through it, almost spiritually, and brings us to very roots of a tradition that reunites the dead and living, and with it, the burning ancestral memories that provide a possibility of endless secrets of stones and matter.”
—Hugues Corriveau, Le Devoir
This collection is primarily a search within oneself, of love, the body en route to expectation and ecstasy; a search supported by a lively writing, an explosion of impressions towards nature evocative of a Dali painting. The energy of the image surprises here, one is amazed by the force of this bright and concise language.
Translated by Howard Scott.