September 26, 2019 - 7:30 pm
Mainstage: Making Do, Getting By Past Event
Thin Air 2019The MainstageManitoba Theatre for Young People (MTYP)
Matthieu Simard est l’auteur de six romans, dont La tendresse attendra (Stanké, 2011) et Llouis qui tombe tout seul (Stanké, 2006), qui lui a valu une nomination au Grand Prix littéraire Archambault. Le premier tome de sa série pour adolescents Pavel (La courte échelle, 2008-2009) a été finaliste au Prix littéraire du Gouverneur général en 2009. Plus récemment, il a scénarisé le film adapté de son livre à succès Ça sent la coupe (Stanké, 2008), et porté au cinéma par Patrice Sauvé. Son dernier roman, Les écrivements, est publié en 2018 aux Éditions Alto. Il vit à Montréal.
Columnist, scriptwriter, and best-selling writer Matthieu Simard has been called “one of the most promising authors of his generation” (La Presse), and his work has been short-listed for both the Archambault Literary Grand Prix and the Governor General’s Literary Award. His novel Ici ailleurs was shortlisted for the Prix France-Québec. Just published in a translation by Pablo Strauss as The Country Will Bring Us No Peace (Coach House Books), it tells the story of a couple who flee the city for life in an idyllic village, but their new home is a place where no birds sing, and where people have started to disappear. Simard lives in Montreal.