September 23, 2017 - 1:30 pm
A Pint of Bitter Murder Past Event
THIN AIR 2017A Pint of Bitter MurderThe Park Theatre
Steve Burrows has pursued his birdwatching hobby on six continents. He is the former editor of the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society magazine and a contributing field editor for Asian Geographic. He has made good use of his aviary interests with his Birder Murder Mystery series, the first of which, A Siege of Bitterns, won the 2015 Arthur Ellis Award for Best First Novel, and introduced readers to Domenic Lejeune, a reluctant French-Canadian police inspector working in rural England. Following A Pitying of Doves and A Cast of Falcons, the most recent in the series is A Shimmer of Hummingbirds (Dundurn). Steve Burrows lives in Oshawa, Ontario.