September 23, 2018 - 7:00 pm
Voices From Oodena/ Voix d’Oodena Past Event
THIN AIR 2018Voices From OodenaVoices in the CircleOodenaThe Forks
Wilfred Buck is from the Opaskwayak Cree Nation of northern Manitoba and currently works for the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre as a science facilitator. He introduces students of all ages to a whole new universe by taking his mobile dome-shaped planetarium to schools and communities to teach students about Cree constellations, such as Wesakaychak and Keewatin. Buck’s book, Tipiskawi Kisik: Night Sky Star Stories (MFNERC), is an exploration of these stars and constellations, their associated mythologies and age-old knowledge held by Indigenous peoples. Wilfred Buck resides in Winnipeg.