Printed Words Alive
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
A Pint of Bitter Murder
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
Troupe du Jour
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
Manitoba Reads
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
Looking Back: Friday Night at the Mainstage
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
A Good Man From My Hometown
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
Saturday at THIN AIR…
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
The Music in Language
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
Friday at THIN AIR…
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
Morning tea with Jennifer Still
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
Wednesday’s Big Ideas: Grammar Matters… or does it?
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]
Thursday at THIN AIR…
Being at the Winnipeg International Writers Festival last week was a life changing experience. It felt like home; walking amongst peers, mentors and idols. It was inspirational on so many levels. It was an internal domino effect of events starting with being asked to blog while knowing nothing about THIN AIR. The magnitude […]