
Say the Word

Friday, March 15, 2013 at 4:09 pm Past Event

Audio Archive

Name Work(s) Publication
Bitney, Katherine The Eagle Dance
Cayer, Lori The Garden at this Address Attenuations of Force
Carmela Co You are finally getting buried, Mother (Sa wakas, ililibing ka na rin Inay)
Cook, Meira A Year of Birds, Our Father, Adam Father
Cooley, Dennis “in the garden” he calls it country music
Coopsammy, Madeline Island Breezes Prairie Journey
Currie, Stephen An Adventure Poem for Boys unpublished
Day, Darrell (untitled)
Diehl, Charlene Effort unpublished
Elizabeth, Shayla Spiral Time Read in support of Idle No More, by the Aboriginal Writers Collective
Epp, Joanne Wild Strawberries, Stories Crossings (chapbook)
Friesen, Patrick From Anna
Gaboury-Diallo, Lise Transition
Gaede, Kendra Snap Happy, No Bird unpublished
Gordon, Ariel Bicker, Sidewalk How to Pack Without Overpacking
Hendricken, Monique Flutter / A point in time..
Hiebert, Luann E.
The City Falls, grave cave unpublished
Landrum, Ted Tunnelling Through On Site Review (#29, Spring 2013)
Leblanc, Charles j’aime le be-bop; libido heures d’ouverture, Éditions du Blé (Winnipeg), 2007; unpublished
Léveillé, Roger Sûtras Sûtra, Éditions du Blé, St-Boniface, 2013
Locke, Steve Hail Winnipeg unpublished
Mayor, Chandra Scratch
Mierau, Maurice Victimized Fear Not
Mowatt, Dylan A Historical Reference
Nayet, Bertrand haïkus & tankas La lune en mille gouttes
Poliquin, Laurent Marchand d’intensité, extraits Marchand d’intensité
Schellenberg, Angeline Trees, Stigma Rhubarb, Geez
Sciberras, Brenda Tears Dry unpublished
Simm, Aaron Crosswords unpublished
Spence-Sing, Karmelle I Got it This Time I Think, Philo St0ne
Stechisen,Sandra Louise Riel Resurrected in My Refrigerator
Still, Jennifer excerpts from “Coma” unpublished
Strange, Debbie for Calum, folding, bread
The Collective Consciousness, Winnipeg Free Press
Symaka, Bruce Walrus Sausage unpublished
Timmerman, Jeannette The Fence, Barefoot Like Papa The Prairie Journal, and As Good As Her Word anthology
Vermette, Katherena nortendluvsong, go, redbird, happy girls north end love songs, j gord shillingford publications
Wah, Fred To the Dogs, Music at the Heart of Thinking 108, 145,150
is a door, Music at the Heart of Thinking
White, Lindsey “You Will Know” & “Back to the Earth”
Whitehead, Joshua
Fruit Juice unpublished


Plume Winnipeg