The Green-Eyed Queen of Suicide City

Bethany, a beautiful and popular teen hangs herself the night before Halloween. Her devoted sister Rose follows her into a frozen death, and a city where trees bleed along the banks of a river of blood. Meanwhile, Addy is visiting from Montreal, determined that Natalie’s mother will give birth to her baby while she is there.

Set in Winnipeg and in a dark afterlife, consider a baby born in a snowstorm, one girl who never sleeps and another who craves blood, ghostly footprints and dangling corpses, New Year’s fireworks and an unexpected kiss, all tied to a legendary queen who lives in the hidden center of Suicide City.

“We’re dead,” he said. “It’s what you wanted, isn’t it? It’s what we all thought we wanted.”

From award-winning author Kevin Marc Fournier comes a tender, disgusting and extraordinary story of loneliness and confusion, loyalty, love, friendship and death. But also, life.