by Jason Cheung
“Learning to travel: Traveling to learn” may be Robin Esrock’s greatest motto in life.
Disclaimer: Coming from a highly biased fan who watched pretty much every single episode of Word Travels – Esrock’s signature travelogue series that catapulted him as a travel writer/producer and superstar seen and well known around the globe.
Even though this globetrotter has a distinctive style and quirks and qualms about various issues about travel, his approach to travel can be boiled down to one point – travel is all about soul.
When travelling with the idea of checking another box on a bucket list, be it in the Prairies, Antarctica, or the Great Barrier Reef, Esrock believes that accessibility while having fun is paramount to the enjoyment of a new journey.
In a highly moving and captivating presentation on his travels, Esrock described the high moments and low moments of his travels. He also shared the dos and don’ts of completing a journey through the eye of an expert.
Esrock also stated that what you get out of a trip is what you put into one. When saying this he is referring to how much you are willing to invest and if you are prepared to delve wholeheartedly. His newest books The Great Canadian Prairies Bucket List (Dundurn) and The Great Global Bucket List (Harper Collins) clearly illustrate to the readers what it feels like to accomplish your goal and cross it off your bucket list.
Learning to travel and traveling to learn – highly resonated with the audience at the Big Ideas in the Millennium Library’s Carol Shield Auditorium.